EIMU extend sincerely greetings with the International Day of Obstetrician!

EIMU extend sincerely greetings with the International Day of Obstetrician
May 5 - is an International Day celebrated by people, thanks to whose caring hands many of us were born. For more than two decades in a row, May 5 has been considered as an International Obstetrician Day!
The idea of the celebration was proposed by the International Association of Obstetrician at a conference in the Netherlands in 1987. This day acquired the status of an official Day of celebration only in 1992 and it is celebrated in more than 50 countries.
The main purpose of that Day is to inform people about the importance of the work of obstetrician. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this profession, because the life and health of the mother and child very often depends on the obstetrician, experience, knowledge and skills.
Eurasian International Medical University extend sincerely greetings to all obstetrician on their professional Day!
We wish you health, happiness and every success!