The university is a participant in the International Conference on Dual Education

On November 28, 2023, the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry organized International scientific and practical conference “The role of dual education in the training of highly qualified personnel for industrial enterprises and innovative approaches in the development of science, education, and production clusters.” The conference was held in off/online modes.
As part of this event, the educational institution “Eurasian International University” prepared a memorandum of mutual cooperation. Rector of EMU, represented by Amanova R.A. and the Uztekstilprom Association, represented by the advisor to the chairman Mukhamedova D.M. signed this memorandum.
Participants in the online conference were Baimuldinova A.T., vice-rector and Orozkulova S.A., deputy dean of EMU. In the new academic year, dual education was introduced into the main educational program “Design”, specifically for 2nd year students who have theoretical knowledge and developed competencies in artistic skills and design. To implement this project to introduce dual learning into the educational process of the OOP "Design" An art workshop of painting, a methodological room “Designing garments”, a workshop “Color Theory”, and a “Design Studio” were opened. In order to strengthen the practical orientation in the preparation of a specialist, a mandatory visual demonstration of students’ creativity is provided during fashion shows in ethnic style and when organizing exhibitions of paintings and clay products.
The main speaker from the Eurasian International University was the head of the Department of Design, Media and Communications - Bektenova V.E. Her scientific report on the topic "Prospects for the implementation of dual learning in the educational program 'Design'" attracted the attention of conference participants and was discussed with great interest.
The conference became not only a platform for the exchange of experience, but also a forum for establishing new partnerships in the field of education and industry. The signing of the memorandum and the presentation of the reports stand out as important steps in promoting innovative approaches to education and training for modern industry.