The University Board of Trustees is a co-government body of the University, which does not have the status of a legal entity, formed in the manner established by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Board of Trustees."


The mission of the University Board of Trustees is to ensure activities on the principles of voluntary and free participation. 


University International Department – the ability to create conditions for the development of existing partnerships and create conditions for new partnerships, while strengthening and improving the image of the university at the international level.


The strategic goal of the Board of Trustees is to contribute to improving the quality of services provided, the transparency of the University’s activities, as well as the efficiency of using extrabudgetary funds.


  • promoting the creation of conditions for the effective organization of the University’s activities;
  • assistance in the comprehensive development of the University as an educational, scientific and cultural center of international level;
  • promoting effective interaction of the University with government agencies, local governments, civil society organizations, as well as with international organizations;
  • attracting additional sources of financing for social institutions that do not contradict the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.