Interuniversity student scientific and practical conference dedicated to the fight against AIDS: results and awards for participants

Interuniversity student scientific and practical conference dedicated to the fight against AIDS: results and awards for participants

On December 12, 2023, an interuniversity event took place within the walls of the Eurasian International University — student scientific and practical conference dedicated to International AIDS Day.

Talantbekova Akylay, Turganbaeva Adina, doctors of the Republican Center for Control of Bloodborne Viral Hepatitis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic made welcoming remarks and presentation. During the event, they demonstrated rapid HIV testing.

The organized event was supported by leading universities of the Kyrgyz Republic such as the Boris Yeltsin Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, the Satkynbai Tentishev Asian Medical Institute, Avicenna International Medical University and the International Medical University. Each of these respected universities invited teams of the most active and ambitious students studying in the field of medicine, who were ready to present their projects in the framework of three previously announced competitions: "Best Video", "Best poster" and "Best report". The scientific directors of each educational institution carefully prepared their students to participate in this friendly interuniversity competition.

Participants enthusiastically presented their projects, and the jury, consisting of representatives of the educational sector and invited experts in the fight against AIDS, carefully evaluated each presented project.

At the end of the conference, the university administration, together with the jury members, expressed deep gratitude to all conference participants and their academic supervisors for their hardworking and productive work. As a token of gratitude, all participants were awarded certificates of participation highlighting their contributions to the field of research and the fight against AIDS. The winners in the nominations were awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees and prizes: pulse oximeters and stethophonendoscopes.


Competition “Best Report”:

1st degree diploma: Team "AZMI"

2nd degree diploma: Team "AZMI"

3rd degree diploma: Teams “EMU”, “MMU”, “KRSU”.

Competition “Best Poster”:

1st degree diploma: Teams “IMU”, “AZMI”

2nd degree diploma: Team "IMU"

3rd degree diploma: “EIU” teams.

 Competition "Best Poster":

1st degree diploma: Team "AZMI"

2nd degree diploma: Team "KRSU"

3rd degree diploma: Teams “EIU”, “IMU”, “AZM College”.

The scientific supervisors, in turn, received letters of gratitude, recognizing their important contribution to the development of scientific research among medical students.

This conference not only recalled the importance of the AIDS problem in the global space, but also became a striking example of how joint efforts of universities can contribute to the exchange of knowledge and the development of the student community in the country. Eurasian International University is grateful to the participants who left the event with pride and positive emotions, determined to take on further challenges and share their ideas to create a better future and a healthy nation.

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