Interactive quiz game Kahoot

Interactive quiz game Kahoot

On April 25, 2024, Eshimbekova M.M., head of the department of educational and production practice at the Eurasian International University, organized an interactive quiz game Kahoot.

Location of the quiz game: Protivotuberkuleznaya hospital g. Bishkek, City Department of Health Care – clinical base EMU. 

The purpose of the quiz game: To attract the attention of the participants of the game to the problem of the disease of tuberculosis and the prevention of the disease.


  • Expand the presentation of the participants of the game about tuberculosis, ways to prevent the disease;
  • The priority of quiz-game participants is to form healthy lifestyles.

Participant quiz game: student of Eurasian International University and International Medical University.

In the end, the quiz-game student group GME-1-20s EMU: Kharwal Lokesh and Venkatashivareddy Harsha won second and third place. .