Dean's Office

The Dean's Office is a structural unit of the faculty, formed to provide direct management of the faculty and organization of student training. In its activities, the Dean's Office is guided by the current laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Education," "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education," "Model Charter of Higher Education Institution," the university's charter, and the present Regulations.
- Organization of educational, educational-methodical, scientific, career guidance, and educational work at the faculty.
- Organization and coordination of the activities of the faculty's departments and other structural units, organization and optimization of the educational process at the faculty.
- Development of educational plans based on state educational standards for educational programs, for which the faculty is responsible.
- Organization and coordination of interdepartmental research (including scientific-methodical) work.
- Analysis and forecast of the state of the markets for educational services, scientific services, the labor market, with corresponding adjustments to the faculty's admission plans, curriculum, and work programs.
- Informing faculty students about their employment opportunities.
- Collaboration with related faculties of the university and other higher education institutions in all areas of faculty activities.
- Conducting events to ensure safe and comfortable conditions for employees and students in accordance with the university's plan.
In solving the tasks listed above, the Dean's Office performs the following functions:
- Ensuring the implementation of primary and additional educational programs in the directions and specialties of preparation at the faculty.
- Keeping track of student enrollment and academic performance.
- Providing information and reference services to students on educational matters.
- Formation, maintenance, and transfer of students' personal files to the student affairs office.
- Interaction with admission and state certification commissions during student enrollment and final assessment.
- Coordination of the faculty's departments' activities in the educational process, examination procedures.
- Preparation of documents, draft orders, and directives for the faculty.
- Monitoring the condition of educational, scientific, administrative, and other premises, as well as material valuables and other property assigned to the faculty.
- Organization of career guidance work and maintaining communication with faculty graduates.
- Coordination of the faculty's work with the plans of other university departments.
- Organization of document management and workflow at the faculty.