Passive Microwave Radiometry for the Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lung Complications in Kyrgyzstan

Passive Microwave Radiometry for the Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lung Complications in Kyrgyzstan
The Eurasian International University carry out research (R & D) of randomized controlled trials in partnership with the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), the KSMU Medical Center and the RTM Institute (Russia) on the following topics: "Microwave radiothermometry for screening diagnosis of pneumonia in patients with COVID - 19", "Microwave radiothermometry for screening diagnosis of low and medium TBI", developed at the EIMU Department of Biomedical and Clinical work under the leadership of the Vice Rector of EIMU Mr.B. R. Osmonov. According to these studies, 2 articles have already been published in foreign journals with a high impact factor, and a Patent has been obtained.