Students of the Eurasian International Medical University took part in the interuniversity scientific and practical Conference

Students of the Eurasian International Medical University took part in the interuniversity scientific and practical conference on the subject - "Research of data on laboratory diagnostics and treatment of COVID-19 during the pandemic in Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan".
During the conference representatives of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K.Akhunbayev, the Eurasian International Medical University, the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University named after B.Yeltsin and the International Medical University presented scientific reports.
Students Muhammad Zubair Khan and Nofil Khan took part in the presentation on the topic "Vaccination against covid-19" in English.
According to the results of the Conference, the students of the Eurasian International Medical University took the 3rd place and rewarded with the Certificates.