Mission and Goals

Eurasian International University is an innovative educational and research higher educational institution with international status.
Training of highly qualified specialists of a new generation, professing values, domestic and world art, preserving the national flavor, developing the industry of tourism and design, Strengthening the health of society through the training of medical personnel in accordance with European standards.
The University is an intellectual educational platform on pedagogical skills with the values of domestic and world culture, art with preservation of national color and training of specialists -New format managers with digital skills in tourism development through advertising and public relations.
Strengthening the position of the scientific and educational platform for training specialists for primary education, tourism, design, art and advertising.
- Modern infrastructure.
Establishment of a system of career guidance and selection of talented youth for university studies.
Introduction of information and educational technologies, interactive methods and forms of teaching into the organization of the educational process.
- Development of the human resources and skills development system of the University.
- Vocational training and quality teaching tailored to the needs of society and the State.
Methodological and informational support for educational work.
- Building a creative and competitive personality.
- Implementation of the quality management system.
- Development of international activities.
Improving the quality of education in all educational programs, taking into account the needs of employers.
- Systemic development of research, information and analytical works, expert, and project activities.
Establishment of a system of continuous professional development for professors and staff.