Cooperation with the Bishkek Humanities University
Cooperation with the Bishkek Humanities University
The Educational and Resource Center (ERC) of the Eurasian International Medical University lauched the new project of cooperation activity with the Bishkek Humanities University.
The Director of the Research Library, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences - Turdukeeva Roza Ahmatovna, the Director of the Center for Digital Development, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor - Esharov Elzarbek Asanovich, lead specialist of the Research Library - Kurmanalieva Kenzhe and IT-specialist - Kadyrov Ruslan payed their kind the visit to EIMU.
The ERC staff demonstrated the IRBIS system and the technology of automated workstations for librarians. They presented the electronic library, databases, the process of computerized book loan based on the radio identification tag of documents, remote booking and ordering of literature, the technology of electronic user form, etc.
It was an exchange with the experience and share with the opinions, elaborated next steps towards further development of the mutual cooperation.